I know it's been a while, but I realized I should probably update and post a pic or two. So the holidays have come and gone. They were wonderful and we were able to spend time with our extended families as well as our own little family. It was actually really fun this year because both boys were at an age where they could appreciate and enjoy everything going on (nobody freaked out on Christmas while opening presents this year!).
Patrick is still working at the same company, though he was promoted last year and now works in NH where we're currently living. I'm still working from home as a contract copywriter and recently received news that my first children's book will be published by a small publisher this year in the Spring or Fall. Launch date TBD based on the illustrator's schedule.
Seamus will hopefully be attending the preschool we have our eye on in the Fall and Liam will be home with Mommy alone in the mornings!

What else . . . Shadow has grown considerably. At 55lbs he definitely doesn't look like a puppy anymore, unfortunately his brain hasn't quite caught up with his size ;)

Anyway, here are a few pics to chew on until next time!

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